The primary goal of the project is to promote professional activation and create new job opportunities, primarily for former employees of the ZE PAK Group who have lost their jobs since January 1, 2018, as well as individuals at risk of losing their employment due to the energy transformation.
Company actively supports its former employees in retraining and finding new work through the „Job after coal” project.
ZE PAK SA, the driving force behind the „Job after coal” program, has demonstrated a multifaceted approach to ensuring that its former employees and their families have access to the comprehensive support offered through the initiative. The company’s proactive outreach efforts and strong collaboration with project partners underscore its commitment to empowering workers during this transformative period.
14 organizacji związkowych w Grupie ZE PAK od 2020 r. walczy o przyszłość pracowników Zagłębia Konińsko-Turkowskiego w obliczu transformacji energetycznej.
Związki zawodowe w Grupie ZE PAK wynegocjowały dla pracowników dotkniętych transformacją energetyczną rekordowe pakiety wsparcia finansowego (150 tys. zł/osobę) oraz zobowiązały przyszłych pracodawców do utrzymania miejsc pracy przez co najmniej dwa lata. Będą one również monitorować proces udzielania wsparcia poprzez udział w komitecie sterującym projektu.
The project can serve as a model for other coal regions and an example of successful cooperation between public institutions, employers, and trade unions in the preparation and implementation of the partnership project.
The project can serve as a model for other coal regions and an example of successful cooperation between public institutions, employers, and trade unions in the preparation and implementation of the partnership project.
Company actively supports its former employees in retraining and finding new work through the „Job after coal” project.
ZE PAK SA, the driving force behind the „Job after coal” program, has demonstrated a multifaceted approach to ensuring that its former employees and their families have access to the comprehensive support offered through the initiative. The company’s proactive outreach efforts and strong collaboration with project partners underscore its commitment to empowering workers during this transformative period.
14 trade union organizations in the ZE PAK Group have been fighting since 2020 for the future of employees in the Konin-Turek Coal Basin in the face of energy transformation.
The trade unions in the ZE PAK Group have negotiated record financial support packages (150,000 PLN per person) for employees affected by the energy transformation, and they have also committed future employers to maintaining jobs for at least two years. They will also monitor the support process by participating in the project steering committee.
The project is being carried out in cooperation with a wide range of partners. They are all joining forces to develop the best solutions for the future of employment in mining regions.